Sunday, April 14, 2019

Kids Today

I recently heard a kid, a "millennial" I would guess, referring despondently to "kids today." I laughed, an actual LOL,  as I dug through my purse for the exact change change ( "old people!"). I suppose this is a right of passage for all generations. We cling desperately to our generations. We cling desperately to our youth as we quickly condemn "kids today." Certain that our experience is more authentic, we recall the good old days with nostalgia while mourning how things are changing, confident that today's youth are missing out on some crucial element of development. Truthfully my parents had to keep calling me to come in the house to eat while I was so use to going outside to play as punishment for my kids. Back in the day we ran around outside, rode bikes, climbed trees, played kick ball, slept in tents in the backyard ( not me), all in the name of childhood. We also walked to school in the snow. Who remembers that? 
"Kids today" are on social media doing Lord knows what, and talking to Lord knows who and I do stress about it with my grandkids. I go visit them and they are on their devices in their rooms all the time even at the dinner table. I shake my head and complain to their parents! 
My parents had to pull me inside, I had to pull my kids inside, but with these kids today, you have to push them Outside. The goal is the same, balance. Anyone growing up over 20 years ago had to make an effort to be social (not me). Today being alone requires effort. Technology has made being connected the new normal and for us talking about the good ole days, I think it's important to accept that things are not going to change. We as parents, grandparents need to caution and warn kids today to have balance. 
If we start small by recognizing that we all share this trait of living together maybe we can begin to step back and be more open to others, especially our "kids today."

Mama McNabb

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